Monday, May 3, 2010

Shadows of Heaven

"Is it a girl or a boy?" I will never forget anxiously asking the doctor. His response was quick, "It's a girl...wait, let me's a girl!" Relief. Exhaustion. Exuberance. All gave birth to tears as I held my own sweet Sophie Lou. Sophie's birth is memorable on multiple levels, Ross being in Iraq, to mention one. Perhaps because of his absence, it heighten my awareness of Sophie being my own little one and as I hugged her close, it was like hugging a part of Ross. I think that must be how God feels about us when we are born again into His family. He hold us close, not only because He deeply loves us as His own, but because it is also like holding His very own Son!
You see, so many things in life are meant to shadow the reality of heaven. For many, the phrase "born again" conjurers up mental images of southern baptist tents revivals and right-wing fundamentalism. Today though, I looked at the words "born again" in all its literalism, with connotations set aside, and remembered this: "All honor to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, for it is by His boundless mercy that God has given us the privilege of being born again" (1 Peter 1:3). Wow! We have been born into the family of God!!! It doesn't get any better than that! No matter what our earthly families have been like, we are all invited to be apart of God's family through trusting His Son, Jesus to save us!
Having said this, new babies always strike me with the reality of three things. First, they are totally dependent. Second, they are constantly hungry and third, everything in the world is totally new to them! Do I really need to remind any mom or dad how needy babies are? They aren't even able to hold up their heads alone. What a great picture this is of exactly what God wants from us! Independence is what we thrive on as Americans. Let's be honest we all lean on something to hold us up and make us feel secure, whether it's a relationship, food, money, success, family or ourselves. However, God calls us to a radical dependence upon Himself for everything in this life!
As for hungry, the first six weeks is the worst. Waking up every 2-3 hours to feed the new little baby! That sweet little bundle will scream bloody murder until he gets the one thing he wants and absolutely needs for his survival...MILK! In the same way, as believers, we have to go to God and to His Word! It is absolutely essential for our growth as well! Peter says, "Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in you salvation" (1 Peter 2:3). I wonder what we are feeding ourselves in the attempt to feel full but are never satisfied. We are to CRAVE the fellowship of Christ and His Word and go to Him to fill us up!
Lastly, there is the aspect of newness. It has been enlivening to watch Sophie discover with glee how great grass feels on her bare feet, how bright the sun really is, she even smiles and laughs when the wind whips around her face! Oh how I want to experience this new life in Christ with that same freshness and enthusiasm. What a vivid picture God has given us through babies of exactly what He desires in His own kids.
Father strengthen us this day to seek YOU for who you are and not only what you give. We desperately need you! Tear down anything and everything in our lives we trust in that is not YOU and show us how to walk in dependence upon You. Make us hungry to be with You! Give us a freshness as we seek to walk with you. Thank you for making us born again into your family. We love you Father. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. that is such a good way of explaining how dependent we should be on God! i have never thought of it like that! and...this made me really excited to have a little baby again! i can't wait for that moment when he/she comes out and i get to hold him/her for the first time and fall in love all over again! :) sophie is so special and i'm really happy that you and ross decided to bring her into our lives...she has definitely made life brighter! (hunter, too, of course!!) and i love your background! nicely done! :)
