Thursday, May 20, 2010

What I Wish People Would Have Told Me About God.

Some things in life we never learn except by experience. I have felt this more truly in trying to walk with God recently than ever in my life. When you get married, everyone gives you advice. Even when you hear it however, you are still deaf to it because it is not pertinent to you. No one really thinks their husband will leave his dirty underwear on the floor, or snore at night. No woman really sees herself as a nag or controlling. Oh to be wise and really hear! I lie awake tonight just thinking about all the stuff I am learning and how I wish someone would have told me this stuff! For instance, it would have been super helpful if someone had sat me down, looked me square in the eyes and said, "Get to know God for who He is, enjoy Him, invite Him to events, have tea with Him, go to Barnes and Nobles, just you and Him." Now I realize that some of these things have been mentioned to me, but I am slow to hear and even slower to do. I wish someone would have told me to let go of my expectations of God. Disappointment and heartbreak will soon follow if I have God in my nice little box. The joy of doing this frees me to expect things I never thought possible from God. I wish someone would have told me that you don't always "feel" close to God, but that it doesn't mean it is true. I wish someone would have told me that I don't have to have everything figured out with my own personal spiritual growth plan.
It makes me smile now to think, right now, God is sitting me down looking me square in the face and saying all this to me! So I pass it on because maybe this is where someone else it too. He says, "Wait on Me! Really get still and get to know Me. Don't be afraid of the silence. It is to those who take the time to seek ME, who know me. "

I feel foolish and nervous
Like I am on a first date-
But I'll stand here waiting on You!

I am anxious to hear the words from your lips
you love me and it's still the same-
Everything and nothing has changed!
So I'll stand here waiting on You!

The time I have wasted recoiling in fear
Oh please can you give back the desolate years!
So I stand here waiting on You!

Fill my cup its empty and dry
Filled to the brim with nice little lies
I need you God, the true living God!
So I stand here waiting on You!

Wanting to run, when just learning to walk with you
Hold my hand, Jesus-
Here I stand-
Waiting on You!


  1. this is great! it's definitely hard to wait on the Lord and just be still! i like the idea of going to drink coffee with God or going on an errand with God. it kind of reminds you that even when you're alone, you're not really alone! there is no such thing as alone time! :)

  2. This really reminds me of the Barlow Girls song "Never Alone" of my favorites! I love knowing that God is always there for us, even when we don't really "feel" Him there. ((((hugs)))) Hope you're doing okay, and feeling His presence more than ever! :)
