Sunday, May 2, 2010

Stories for My Mother

As a child I wrote stories mainly for my mother. As a teenage girl I wrote poems in my journal just in case future generations discovered our lost civilization. My purpose was to give them an inside glimpse into life as I knew it; which I supposed was the only way to view it. In college and with the coming of age, I wrote from the drama of my soul with all its intensity. It humors me now to reflect on both what I wrote and why I wrote. Once again I find myself writing. Now I write as a woman, a wife, a mother, a daughter. I invite you to read along with me through this journey from being a stay at home mom wiping noses and picking up toys to being a woman immersed in thought and pondering exactly where I have come from.

1 comment:

  1. i'm so interested in finding out what more there is to you than wiping noses and picking up toys! i literally thought that was it! :) just kidding...but have fun blogging!
